Missionary Bill Hart
NEWSLETTER Spring 2009
Dear Brethren,
Phil. 3:10 - That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings,
being made conformable unto his death;
We are plodding along as usual and things are going as usual which is great because
God never fails or falters. We are now reaching into 3 states here in the center of Mexico and supporting Bearing Precious
Seed as they go into many other places in the world. We have also been able as God has allowed to support missionaries
in Veracruz, Morelia, Michoacan, Chihuahua, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Guatemala, Spain, Ivory Cost, Africa, Equatorial Guiana,
and a man in Uruguay who is winning Jews to Christ.
We often as a rule simplify the life of a missionary, but to me it is nothing short
of miraculous, in the sense that God is working in the missionary family as much as the people he has been sent to reach.
I believe true missions is church
planting and all that it requires and entails, and in saying that, it is not to devalue any other service that anyone
else provides to the end. I also believe that churches start churches as the Holy
Spirit works in the lives of His people through continued service and education via preaching and teaching in local
We pray to the Lord of the Harvest,
that He might send forth laborers. You can not harvest where it has not been cultivated, planted, weeded, and watered.
We came here initially to work amongst the villages that have not been evangelized, of which there are literally thousands.
We found ourselves bogged down between 2 different works nearly 40 minutes apart, we say this in respect that it was God's
will, but also His will to get into the ranches. (We have planted 4 different works.) We now feel that God has
defiantly moved in our hearts to get more actively involved in the village works He has lead me to start. All of which
is great, but I still have the problem of lack of personnel to help with the endeavor.
You may ask, "Why we don't turn some of the work over to a national?" Well, if
we had some that could take the work obviously we would. What we're seeing here is that missionaries are leaving their
works with men who will not stay with it and then when he falters the people go to another church and many times they compromise
and go where it is less Biblical not because they really agree, but because that's all there is. I am not worried that
God will not give me men to take my place, I believe it's a matter of time. I can see where quite possible, He may give
us some men from my prison ministry that will be fit to pastor in a few years. We also have several who are getting
grounded and I have great hopes for them, but I believe it takes someone who has been prepared, proven, and provoked by the
Holy Spirit to take
these works.
We have had a deluge of new converts and some are very eagger to learn. Last
month and this we have had 6 follow the Lord in Baptism. One of the big problems here is the economy, our folks work
tremendously late hours and for very little money. Therefore, it's difficult to get them into church, for conferences,
or something special. I work with between 200 & 250 people a week, including my ranch works, the jail ministries,
and the churches. That doesn't sound like many, but I have to drive literally hundreds of miles to do that. The
Lord made me very conscious of the fact that we are to reach every dialect and nation. In the villages where I go there
is not anykind of church that preaches that Christ and He alone saves. We have the cults and Catholics who are the biggest
cult ever.
We are in places called: "Las Matancillas, La Hierba, La Paz, La Presa, El Novillo,
El Llano, Las Jualas de Abajo, Ojuelos, Chinampas, and 2 prisons. (Not to mention our churches in Jesus Maria,
Aguascalientes, and our out reach here in the little ranch of La Herrada,
where we live) There are hundreds more I need to get into. I meet with some of these folks 2 times a
week. Please pray God gives me strength and wisdom to keep up with the already existing vision He has given me.
I often feel frustrated and dwarfed by the need, but have to stand back and look at the overall picture. Please
pray that can continue to go through open doors.
A few weeks back, I preached the funeral for a young couple in our church in Aguascalientes
that lost a child. I preached for an hour to 35 or so people in a little farm house out in La
Paz. The people seemed to be catatonic, they bearly moved, in the sweltering 100 degree heat,
and when I gave the invitation no visible response. People hardened and possessed by hundreds of years of Catholic dogma
that damns their soul to an eternity without Christ. The baby was born on a Wednesday, died the next Monday
at around 11:00 AM, the family took her body to her Grandmother's home in La Paz, paid $20.00 for the plot, I had the
funeral at 2:00 PM, 4 men in the family dug the grave, and at 6:00 PM they buried her.
For Valentine's Day, we had a banquet with 67 men and women. I had read
that there is an increase in marriages that end in divorce after 50 years, they sight as reason for splitting up as incompatibility
that results in constant strife. I showed them that strife doesn't come from incompatibility, but rather comes
from strife and strife result of pride. I ask them to kiss one another and none would have any part of it. Here
in Mexico you don't have to drive far at night to find someone fornicating on the street and I have a hard time gettng married
people to kiss each other. To my way of thinking something is wrong with that. You may say maybe they're embarrassed,
but you can't embarrass most folks here. They can be offended, provoked, and they get mad easy enough, but not often
are they embarrassed. Anyone who after years of teaching still can walk into a church service anywhere from 10
minutes to an hour late, has lost that ability.
In the ranch works, I get together in houses and have sometimes as many as 35 and more
including the kids. What a wonderful God we have! I preached the other day in an old adobe building (build
in 1910) that belongs to the Catholic church. I have been meeting with
some elderly folks (76-85 years old) there and they tell me they were born Catholic and they are going to die Catholic, but
I keep on preaching God's ever powerful Word knowing that one day as long as they listen the sweet
Spirit of God will remove the scales from their benighted eyes that they can be saved.
Our ministry is not one of great numbers, but I am convinced that it is of great value
in the mind of God. Please pray as we are feeling all of the pressures,
especially physical and more than these the ever present demonic onslaught, I deal with out and out demonic acivity that wears
on my soul day after day to the point of destruction. The danger, the heat, the dust storms, asthma, flu, bronchitis,
and just plain human frailty, we push on for Christ. There are more kidnappings, killings, drugs, drunkeness, horrible
driving habits, etc.... I say all this so you might be able to pray for us as we commit our selves to Him to the
end for His glory.
Last week we completed all the requirements and received our FM2 visas. Now we
have 4 more years and we'll be a resident of Mexico. In order to have a FM3 or FM2 visa, you have to be sponsered by
a registered church. The national Pator of the church that sponsers us recommend that we aply for an FM2. Since
we own land here, and are in the process of putting Mexican plates on all of our vechiles, it is better for us to have an
FM2. This will also in time remove any responsiblity his church has for us. Whatever it takes to make things
easier for us to live and serve the Lord here in Mexico.
May God do for you what He has done for me.
Brother Bill, Sandra, & Jessica
Hart Newsletter
December 2008 Merry
Christmas! Here in Aguascalientes it's 46°; the dogs
are barking, Jessica's horse, Storm, is kicking the barn, because she knows that we are moving around in the house and
she wants supper. Our neighbors in the ranch below us are either still asleep or gone visiting relatives. I went
out to see what the dogs were barking at and saw an arm sticking through the fence petting our Rottweiler's head and I knew
who it was before I saw his face. Outside of us, there is only 3 other people in all of Aguascalientes that Rosco would
let put their hand through the fence to pet him. It was Juan Pablo, a young man from our church up to borrow some thing
from Bill. His family takes care of our animals when we have to leave town. December started off with the
first Saturday being Kid's Club in Jesus Maria. We had over 120 in attendance. We had made up 100 fruit bags and
100 candy bags, so a few of our church kids gave up their bags for the visitors. Well, we made sure on Sunday
the kids got their bags back. The next Saturday we had Christmas out
in the ranches of Matancillas & La Herba. We only made 140 bolos ( candy
& fruit bags) for out there. Bill took: Hermano Raul, Hermano Salvador, Jessica, Veronica, Shaden,
Lili, Alejandra, Anahi, & Henry out with him to the ranches. We had a couple of families donate sweaters &
coats and the ladies gave them out. Jessica told the Christmas story
and Bill, Raul, & Salvador were able to talk to the adults that came over to listen. Our Chevy truck, stretch
cab, that was given to us by our home church and some of our supporting churches had 8 people inside and 2 in the back
that Saturday; we couldn't work the ranches without it. The third Saturday we sat up for our Christmas service
at our church on the 3rd circle in Aguascalientes; we combined our church from Jesus Maria & 3rd circle. Our
kids sang and recited verses, it was precious and kids will be kids. Afterwards we had a pitch-in-dinner and didn't
get home till after 4:00 PM. We had Veronica make pozole (soup made with chicken or pork, hominy, and spices)
You top it with lettuce or cabbage, onion, & cilantro. It was wonderful! Everyone went home with extras!
Jessica & I made 2 big trays of lasagna, bunches of Christmas cookies
and rice pudding. One of our ladies, Sofia, her husband is a retired
Colonel and their oldest son is studying in Mexico City to be an Airline
pilot here in Mexico. She made a stew with pork and Adono seasoning
and her famous refried beans. There was also a seafood salad, tacos
de Canasta (fried crisp tacos filled with meat & cheese), rice, chicken
in green salsa, etc... hungry? We had our Christmas party upstairs with the kids during the preaching service.
Jessica and I had started out trying to make Christmas wreaths with melted
marshmallows, sort of a rice crispy thing, well, the marshmallows didn't do to well and we ended up mashing the green corn
flakes in a glass dish and cutting them into squares. Try serving a strange green thing to a kid, especially a Mexico
kid! We had a few brave souls and when they came back for seconds the rest of them decided to give it a try. The
kids had a gift exchange, candy bags, chocolate snowmen that Veronica made with our Pennsylvania candy molds, small stuff
animals & Christmas erasers that were donated by Valley Independent Baptist Mission out of Donna, Texas. I had to round up bags for some of them to carry their goodies home.
Another big blessing we had was 10 first time visitors! Sofia & Lorenzo brought in a family of 7 and Gustavo brought
in 3 family members. Gustavo's father of 83 years, died a few days ago and he (about 30 years old) is the only one in
his family that is a Christian. Christmas Eve night we had cake at
our church on the 3rd circle (after services) and then after services in Jesus Maria we had cake and punch. We
had a great turn out at both of the churches. On Tuesday, Bill and Hermano Juan Macillas went to the prison,
El llano, where Bill ministers from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. El Llano is in the state of Jalisco and about 30 minutes from
our house. Juan is a school teacher that has been saved for over 18 years. He was active in a good church not
far from here till about 2 years ago. He has a son that has very special needs and Mexico wasn't able to help him, so
he moved his wife and 4 kids to Canada. In order for him to retire and receive
his pension for teaching school for 30 years he had to come back and work one more year. He is from the ranch of "Novillo".
On Tuesdays after the prison, Bill goes to the ranch of "Chinampas" from 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM to have services with
a small group of people and then out to the ranch of "Novillo" at 6:00 PM for services with Juan's family and neighbors.
Juan will be leaving and going back to Canada this summer. His prayer is that God will use Bill in the lives of the
ranch of "Novillo" where his family lives to start and keep a ministry there. Bill took 70 tamales and Atole
( a drink made with milk, some kind of fruit or chocolate flavoring) to the prison on Tuesday. On Thursday afternoon,
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM he ministers in the prison in Aguascalientes for teenage boys. Jessica made a big tray of cookies
for them. Pray, Pray, Pray, for Bill, his health & strength to minister to the 2 full time churches, visitation
program, Institute program, 2 prison ministries ( Tuesday around 20 men & Thursday 3 - 12 boys) and the 2 ranches on Tuesday
(Chinampas & Novillo) and 2 ranches on Saturday (Matancillas & La Herba). Both churches are growing and the
doors are opening out in the ranches. We believe God is going to do something wonderful in the coming year, but the
devil is at work. Pray that God sends us faithful men that have a heart to serve the Lord. I had a bad
spell (as they say down south) September - November. Went to the doctor and the test all came back normal. Who
knows what was happening. The doctor is reworking my meds somewhat and Bill rearranged my schedule, don't know
if it is the meds are just getting more rest, but God is using it all to help me feel better. In 2009, Bill and
I want to take a small furlough for a month or so and visit in a few of our supporting churches and also visit home.
Pray that we can work it all out! May God richly bless each one of you and your families in the new year! Love,
Bill, Sandra, & Jessica 
Jessica Hart Prayer Letter FALL 2008 
Dear Church Family & Friends & Family, I hope that these few lines find you all enjoying the many
blessings from the Lord! As we enter into the month of October, the kids are all back in school and should be taking
their first block of test. I want to thank everyone that has decided to help a child in one of the two churches.
We were able to take 5 children to get school shoes, tennis shoes, socks, and school supplies. These five kids lost
their Daddy about 3 years ago in a car crash; their Mother got saved about a year ago and has been very faithful ever since.
The oldest daughter, Lesli, has also been saved and baptized. Please pray for the Reyes family, that they allow the Lord
to continually bless. Donations were also given to buy jackets for 5 kids and also shoes for 3 more kids.
May God richly bless all of you that gave and prayed for the kids here in Mexico. Also,
I would like to take time to thank those of you that sent crayons for the work in Matancillas. Thank you so very
much! Because of your response we were able to give out crayons in the little candy bags and also had crayons to
give to those that didn't have any for school. We have been very busy with all the church activities. On
the 28th of September we had our big 'Friend Day'. I invited a lady that makes all of our copies of Sunday School material, flyers, and what not for the church; she was a 3rd & 4th grade
teacher for 30 years and now owns a small copy store. Whatever she copies for us, she reads and it has opened the door
to be able to witness to her. She says that she isn't Catholic and she listens very well. But sadly, she listens
to everyone that comes into her shop. The JW's come and 'The Light of the
World' is very strong here and, of course, we cannot forget the Mormons! Please keep her in your prayers, because
she was a school teacher, everyone calls her 'Maestra' or teacher. She had something else to do on our 'Friend Day'
and didn't come. Everything is nice and green this rainy season. Last year we hardly got a drop of
rain, but this year we have had a lot of rain. To us the rain has been a blessing, but to many who live in tin shacks,
it has been bad for them. Unbelievable, a neighbor lady here in the ranch, blames God for her leaky roof. Her
husband has left her and her teenage sons won't get work. I feel bad for her, but until she allows the Lord to work
in her heart, I fear that her leaky roof is the least of her problems. The people here in our ranch are very hard hearted
towards the Gospel. I am praying that I will be able to start, once again, a kid's club up here at the
ranch. There are two boys that come up and help me a couple of times a week to take care of my calves, horse
and to help Dad cut grass. Julian is 14 years old and Nestor is 13 years old. They both live here
in our ranch, 'La Herrada' and don't have much, but they are good workers. I have been helping them with their
homework and encouraging them not to drop out of school when they finish the 9th grade. It has also given
me a chance to be a Christian testimony to them and to witness to them and their families. They
ask a lot of questions and Julian came to church with me on 'Friend Day'! He had a good time and promises to come
back. My mother had collected a bunch of school supplies such as: little notebooks, pencils, pens, glue, erasers,
scissors, plus the many boxes of crayons that were donated and made up 'bolos' or goodie bags for the ranch kids in
Matancillas. We had a few weeks of really strong rains and the dam broke and flooded the roads halfway between here
and Matancillas, so we were unable to have services out in Matancillas for 2 weeks. Please continue to pray
for the adults and for the children. While you are on your knees in prayer, I would ask of you to remember our
brother & sisters of Grace & Truth Baptist Church of Aguascalientes,
and those of Liberty Baptist Church of Jesus Maria. Also, for
my parents, Bill & Sandra, that they have the strength and health to serve in all that the Lord has laid on their
hearts. Thank you once again for your prayers and support. 'Missionary Helper in Aguascalientes, Mexico' Jessica
M. Hart